
Burnaby, CA

Member since April 25, 2017

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Early morning

First walk during the first light into the beautiful stanley park, vancouver

Dall call

In late October, the Dall Sheep enter in their rut period where Ram will show their power by confrontation. After every initial head impact, I noticed a few time this moment who can look more gentle and contrasting before getting further again to come back full On to bang again their head to show superiority.

Cold day

Early morning, the wood bison are already actively digging the thick layer of snow to eat some grass

Ice Bear

Up in a Yukon, all lake and river will freeze during the winter. Due to some infiltration of temperate water from underground, there is some channel who won’t freeze. Some salmons like the Chum or Coho running late knows it, They will come to use thoses channels to spawn during their late and exhausting journey. Grizzly bears will than come there to feed on them up to December by temperature dropping below -20 C. They are know as Ice Bear, as their wet clump of fur will freeze and create icycles. Despite all the difficulty to get an image by camera trap, it have been even more challenging with mix of cold temperature and high moisture from the stream, without fog or frozen lens. This image show a grizzly bear with frozen fur as it approach the creek feed on salmon. This is an unique phenomena, only seen in Yukon, Canada.

Ice Bear

Up in a Yukon, all lake and river will freeze during the winter. Due to some infiltration of temperate water from underground, there is some channel who won’t freeze. Some salmons like the Chum or Coho running late knows it, They will come to use thoses channels to spawn during their late and exhausting journey. Grizzly bears will than come there to feed on them up to December by temperature dropping below -20 C. They are know as Ice Bear, as their wet clump of fur will freeze and create icycles. Despite all the difficulty to get an image by camera trap, it have been even more challenging with mix of cold temperature and high moisture from the stream, without fog or frozen lens. This image show a grizzly bear with frozen fur as it approach the creek feed on salmon.