Elizabeth Zwamborn

Halifax, CA

Member since December 28, 2018

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The Leviathan's Tail

Well known humpback whale "Inukshuk" (BCZ0339) was expertly executing a serious of tail stands in the open waters of Queen Charlotte Strait this past September, not far from Telegraph Cove, British Columbia.

Arrival of the Hummingbirds

Every year we look forward to the arrival of the Ruby Throated Hummingbirds during the spring migration! This particular individual was taking a break on the apple tree in our front yard, just as the leaves were beginning to peak out to signal the beginning of summer.

The Perfect Breach

A misty background, calm waters, and the perfect single breach from transient killer whale T101B (Lagoon) after a sea lion hunt came together for this photo in Johnstone Strait off Vancouver Island. I'm not sure I will every have the opportunity to capture a moment like this again!

Calm before the Storm

This photo of transient killer whale T101B (Lagoon) lifting his head above the water in a moment of calm with his brother T101A surfacing in the background, was taken shortly before the family began hunting sea lions along the coastline off northeastern Vancouver Island. The T101 family, a well known marine mammal eating killer whale family consists of T101 and her two sons, having lost the third son, T102 just a couple of weeks before this encounter took place in the fall of 2020.

Along the Ice Edge

Early spring in northwestern Cape Breton, our local beavers were busy collecting wood from around the edge of the lake. It's mesmerizing to watch them swim back and forth with their busy errands!