Meghann Fletcher

Penticton, CA

Member since January 24, 2021

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I was admiring the changes on a leaf, while walking one day. The green leaf had started to turn to yellow and to blackish/brown. Suddenly I saw it! Right in front of my eyes was a camouflaged dragonfly. The abdomen was darkly lined and filled in with the same yellow as the leaf was turning. The eyes and thorax were a burnt orange, which reminded me of a blazing summer sunset. The wings were clear perfection. They were made up of so many tiny lines and sections of incredibly small detail. I slowly got my camera out and ready, so that I could capture this flawless sight.

Butterfly and Bee on Mariposa Lily

One late summer afternoon, I was out with my family for a walk up one of the local mountains’ trails. There was a patch of grass and brush just off the path. Standing alone (or so I thought) was a stunning purple Mariposa lily. As I approached it to snap a photo, I discovered a beautiful butterfly was resting gracefully on a petal. I took a few photographs and as I was doing this a bee joined the party. It amazed me that two different insects could interact in such harmony together. The pollen started to cover the busy bee and it looked as though the butterfly’s antennae was reaching out to touch the bee and say hello.

Western Grebe Water Dance

The stunning contrast of black and white with it’s ruby red eye caught my attention against the wavy water. To my amazement, it started running, almost as if it were dancing a top the water. The beads of water clung to it’s body and flew up past it as it rushed through past at rapid speed. I did not see any other grebes nearby when this happened, but realized I had surely caught it practicing for it’s Spring mating dance ritual. It along lasted a few moments and then returned to it’s regular position in the water.

Rough-legged Hawk

Near the local airport, there is a large section of grassland that is home to many birds and animals. I was there one weekend taking a photo of a small songbird when suddenly a beautiful Rough-legged hawk landed on the post of the barbed-wire capped chain-link fence right in front of me. I felt like I was in a dream. She seemed to be posing for me as she turned left and then right showing me different angles with her amazing brown eyes staring back at me. My hands were shaking as I photographed her beauty. As quick as she had arrived, she was gone again. I was left in the grass with goosebumps at my amazing encounter with this beautiful creature.

Yawning Barred Owl

On weekends, my family and I head out to the back country for hiking and photography. On one such hike, combing through the outdoors we thought we could see a larger bird nestled into a tree. At first we thought it might be a Hawk or Eagle, as we had seen them around that day. To my astonishment it was a Barred Owl. We stood there a moment just watching it, before I took it’s photo. After a moment it yawned opened its eyes blinked and then went back to sleep. As to not disturb it further we backed away and continued on our hike. This was my first experience ever seeing a Barred Owl in nature and to see a yawning one, tongue and all was absolutely adorable. It was so fluffy and the markings were beautiful. It was such an exciting experience and one that I will always remember.