Sharon Taylor

Paris, CA

Member since January 30, 2021

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Eagle eating it’s catch

Taken while on a zodiac tour, we watched this eagle swoop down to grab the fish then land on a post to enjoy its meal.

Winged intruder!

This Carolina Wren snuck in our house. She liked my plants! I grabbed a couple of shots quickly while we were letting her calm down. I was able to catch and release with no ill effects.

Looking for lunch

Homalco First Nations in British Columbia hosts tours on their lands. Our guides were welcoming and educational. The fall salmon run attracts grizzlies from all around the area. It was amazing to see the salmon spawning the but the bears up! This was a trip of a lifetime!

Scarlet Tanager stopover

Normally these guys are high in trees or I don’t have my camera. This day I didn’t have my camera but ran back to get it. Lucky for me he stayed and allowed me to get rather close!