mark hopper

Belleville, CA

Member since February 22, 2008

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Living with rules.

This Kit fox gets an early lesson in life. That he is wild life and no free meals. lol There home is located at the Lawn bowling Club in the heart of Brighton, Ont.

Hawk or Owl....both

This northern hawk-owl stayed for a while and share with many who had never met one before.

Family look out

Under the deck these gophers pop out to see whats happening. Cool to see them all at once. Not so cool that they can cause some issues. lol

Hiding in the city

This kit fox stays close to the shrubs and away from the roads near by. The mother had 7 kits she must worry about. This guy is just as cute as they come.

Water Lilly

The Nymphaea better knows as the water Lilly. Living on the bay during the summer months this beautiful flower never disappoints