Peter Baumgarten

Manitowaning, CA

Member since February 29, 2008

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Daisies Aplenty

Every June, the fields on Manitoulin Island erupt with thousands of daisies, creating a beautiful blanket of white. For this shot I decided to just single out one bloom in the sea of flowers.


Rather than using a regular bird feeder I placed some seed inside the hollow end of a piece of driftwood. This created a more natural looking perch for the visiting birds.

Twin Oaks and Prairie Smoke

Prairie smoke, or Geum triflorum is a wild flower that grows in abundance over the fields on Manitoulin Island. Their seed pods puff up nicely creating a smoky pink glow especially at sunset.

Organized Chaos

Although I've photographed this wetland many times the thin fog that hung in the air on this particular morning helped to isolate and emphasize the interesting pattern of skeletonized trees. The calm conditions also created the perfect reflection.


While out doing some landscape shooting I came across this little gray tree frog climbing a fence post. I quickly switched to my macro lens and spent some time photographing him.